Team Wikis

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The Team Wikis are available only to those volunteers who are involved in teams including the GOA, Imods, Mentor Mods, and Ambassadors, etc. If you are a member of one of these teams, simply log in with your user ID and password. If you are having trouble, contact your team leader. Most volunteers are not on these teams and won't have access of course.

Ambassador Manual (Ambassador access only)

This manual has documentation and procedures for those people acting as Site Ambassadors

IMod Manual (IMod access only)

This manual has documentation and procedures for those people acting as Interim Moderators

Mentors Manual (Mentor Mods access only)

This manual is for those who act as Mentor Moderators.

Group Outreach Assistance Team Manual (GOA access only)

This manual is for those who act as Group Outreach Assistants.

New Group Approver Team Manual (NGA access only)

This manual is for those who act as New Group Approver Team Members.

Team Leaders and Coordinators (Team Leaders and Coordinators access only)

This manual is for those who act as Team Leaders and Coordinators.

General Team Wikis Info (all teams access)