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Press Releases - How do I write one? Are there examples?

Working with the press is difficult. Reporters as a breed are idle and shiftless. If you do their work for them you are more likely to get results. Here are a few press releases to whet your appetite:


We have a group of volunteers who work on media issues who may be able to help you with publicity for your group. They can be contacted by emailing our info team

If you are interested in joining this team of volunteers please email this address as well.


Publicity for your group is great but it's not easy. Speaking to the media is an important element of getting publicity. It often helps to send them a media release.

Make sure you have a 'hook'. Be creative and have an environmental theme! Watch out for members who do interesting things with their Freecycle items, like making sculptures or house renovations; they may agree to be featured in a press article.

Aim for Headline news and you're more likely to get good exposure for your group, even if it is on page 11.

Some groups run events especially to give the media an opportunity to take photos. See:


Using the Logo in Publicity - Do we need permission?

Yes, official permission is required for each individual instance of the logo about to be used by anyone other than ourselves.

Whoever is proposing to use the logo needs to receive direct and specific permission from In each and every instance that the logo is to be used, please ask the reporter (for example) to write in person to info team, requesting permission to use the logo. Any subsequent use by the same person for the same purpose needs to be authorized once again.

This may sound frightful, but is a formality with which they will be familiar and takes very little time.


Press Releases - How do I write one? Are there examples?

There are example press releases available in the UK mod squad files at:

There is some good advice about what you can do and what works in the promotion and publicity files at:

We have a group of volunteers who work on media issues who may be able to help you with publicity for your group. They can be contacted by emailing:

If you are interested in joining this team of volunteers please email this address as well.

Promoting My Group

Most of this section has been moved here.

Many groups contact their local Council for support and get differing responses. Some Councils will welcome their local group with open arms and give free publicity in magazines, newsletters and their website; others show little interest. Although the Council is a good place to start, please don't get disheartened if you don't get the response you'd like. Your Council’s recycling officers are a great place to start.


Publicity for your group is great but it's not easy. Speaking to the media is an important element of getting publicity. It often helps to send them a media release.

Make sure you have a 'hook'. Be creative and have an environmental theme! Watch out for members who do interesting things with their Freecycle items, like making sculptures or house renovations; they may agree to be featured in a press article.

Aim for Headline news and you're more likely to get good exposure for your group, even if it is on page 11.

Some groups run events especially to give the media an opportunity to take photos. See:


For more hints and tips, please follow the link below.

Using the Logo in Publicity - Do we need permission?

Yes, official permission is required for each individual instance of the logo about to be used by anyone other than ourselves.

Whoever is proposing to use the logo -- the council, the reporter, etc needs to receive direct and specific permission from In each and every instance that the logo is to be used, please ask the reporter (for example) to write in person to info team, requesting permission to use the logo. Any subsequent use by the same person for the same purpose needs to be authorised once again.

This may sound frightful, but is a formality with which they will be familiar and takes very little time.