Team Wikis:Do's and Don'ts for Team Members

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  • Please defer to your GOA's decisions on all matters regarding your group.
  • Please use your Group Admin privileges for work related to your position. Please do not use it to make notes on your own group without permission from GOA or HUB Coordinators or Deron.
  • Please use your ID associated with TFN only for official work related to your team. We ask that you not moderate your own or neighboring groups with an official ID.
  • All members of all leadership teams will be modded on FIOD and leadership groups
  • Report all tech issues to your team leader/coordinator instead of FIOD. Your TL/Coord may have the answer already, and if not, will make sure the issue is dealt with quickly and efficiently and given the priority that teams deserve.
  • Please understand and follow all aspects of the Mod Manual.


  • Do use your email address for official TFN business and not for personal reasons.
  • Please do not forward your email to another account: use, or Thunderbird and Outlook if you have more than one account.
  • Please do not add your other responsibilities to your sig line so that it is not misconstrued that you are speaking on behalf of your team.
  • Please help keep our mail servers working at optimum speed by logging out when you are done reading your mail and filing emails as soon as you are finished with them.