How To Sign Up

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How do I find my local group?

There are two ways to find your local group.

  1. You can browse US groups here
  2. You can browse UK groups here.

So first, find which group is local to you.

How do I join my local group?

Okay, now you know which group you want to join. How do you do it?

The determining factor is where the group is located. If it is fully on the global Freecycle site, look no further! Click here to join via My Freecycle.

For groups located on Yahoo, you have two options.

  1. You can join groups by email. This is easy to do, but you get fewer features and less control over your membership. Click here to join via email.
  2. You can join groups via Yahoo. This requires a Yahoo ID, so you'll need to create one if you don't have one. Then you can sign up and look at posts on the web. Read here to join via Yahoo.
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