General Team Wikis:Training workflow

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Summary of entire process

When there is no LM on group

  1. Application comes in to IMOD/GOA.
  2. GOA/IMOD check for accuracy and completeness of application and return if more info is needed. This can be combined with #3 if critical information isn't missing.
  3. IMOD/GOA sends "application received" letter, along with the link to the Pt. 1 assignment and asks applicant to send a letter confirming that they've received the link and that they're ready to proceed. The applicant is asked if they want to self-train (with no deliverables and no playground) or have a trainer (one lesson and playground).
  4. On receipt of confirmation of receipt of training link and training choice from applicant, GOA vets, sends to MM or IMODTrainer. GOA adds trainee to Mod position and or IMODTrainer to Lead Mod on Group via GA, removes IMOD/GOA.
  5. GOA sends "congrats you're a mod" letter, outlining the requirements of the training week.
  6. If mod opts for training, MM assigns trainer, trainer sends welcome "Hi, I'm your volunteer mentor mod. I can help you get set up in the training group playground if you like or answer any questions," along with link/instructions to join MyFCTraining. Applicant can opt-in to playground as an optional, self-contained training activity with no deliverables. If trainee sends Pt. 1 answers to trainer, trainer sends Pt. 1 feedback, CC'd to LMs and GOA. Trainees will not be required to submit answers even if they signed up for training. Trainees will respond to member inquiries and forward responses to trainer for feedback. MM may send some sample inquiries as well as sample post(s). Moderator must approve at least one pending post during this week. In addition to keeping up with all pending posts and moderator activity, we also require that the moderator make one post (either OFFER or WANTED) themselves within this week.
  7. 1 week after putting mod on group, MM/IMODTrainer gives GOA a status report.
  • If there are no outstanding pending posts and mod activity shows at least 1 approved/rejected post, GOA promotes the group, promotes mod to LM and removes MentorMod/IMODTrainer. If there is no activity in 2 weeks, GOA returns group to IMOD/GOA. Mods are removed from the playground if they haven't removed themselves yet. In the case of a marginal trainee, GOA can request additional assistance from MM.
  • If the trainee does not fulfill basic requirements, MentorMod demotes the mod to member and CC's GOA and Interimmod. The group is returned to IMOD/GOA by either the MM TL or Interimmod.

When there is another LM on the group

GOAs encourage LM's to refer trainees to the Training2.0 wiki. The LM has a choice of training the new mod him/herself on the local group and/or the World Playground; or the LM may ask GOA to send the new mod to Mentor Mods for training. MentorMod is not added to these groups as LM. They will train the potential mod on the Mentor Mod playground as previously. If, during the training by MMod, the LM chooses to take the potential mod onto the group as a Mod before MMod training is complete, then the individual mentor may join the group as a member and ask FAQ questions and post sample reject posts. The decision on whether to promote trainee to mod prior to training, during training or at the end of training belongs to LM.

Training mods of new groups

NGA encourages trainees to sign up for training with Mentor Mods, but training is voluntary. MentorMod is not put on the group as LM.


  • The MentorMod ID will use existing email box to see if member inquiries are being addressed.
  • GOA is never on the group with the new mod.
  • The process shouldn't take more than 2 weeks from application to group promotion.