Team Wikis:Do's and Don'ts for Team Members

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  • Do not circumvent your GOA.
  • Do not enter info into Group Admin on your own group without permission from GOA or HUB Coord or Deron
  • Do not moderate your group with your ID
  • All members of all leadership teams will be modded on FIOD and leadership groups
  • Report all tech issues to your team leader/coordinator instead of FIOD so that they can dealt with more quickly.


  • Do use your email address for official TFN business and not for personal reasons.
  • Please do not forward your email to another account: use, or Thunderbird and Outlook if you have more than one account.
  • Please do not add your other responsibilities to your sig line so that it is not misconstrued that you are speaking on behalf of your team.
  • Please log in and out of email to read it rather than constantly staying connected.
  • Maintain an organized email box and file emails as soon as you have responded.