Donate A Dollar

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Please consider giving to our "Donate a Dollar" Campaign.


We're asking you to make a "micro donation" by clicking to Donate a Dollar to help us continue with our mission to keep great, useable stuff out of landfills and build community based on giving. Due to the incredible efforts of nearly 7,000 local volunteers in 110 countries, The Freecycle Network is able operate as a nonprofit with minimal expenses. However, as the largest recycling and reuse website in the world, we have server, bandwidth and coding expenses. Your help to keep this incredible grassroots effort going and growing is deeply appreciated. Your donations matter in more ways than one. In addition to supporting your local volunteers, your community and re­use around the world, widespread support from individuals like you generates the essential public support The Freecycle Network needs to remain a charitable organization. The only investors we’ll ever need to answer to are you, our fabulous members.

Help keep The Freecycle Network the free, community ­supported nonprofit that you know and love by donating a dollar (or ten or twenty or even more if you can) today.

Just click on the link below and it will take you to a secure PayPal form where you can make your donation. Your generous gifts to The Freecycle Network are tax deductible as we are a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization (thanks to you).


Or, make a donation of any amount here.

Thank you very much! Keep on keepin' on!


Deron Beal
Executive Director
The Freecycle Network

If you prefer mailing a check, you may make it out to "The Freecycle Network" and send it to:

The Freecycle Network
P.O. Box 294
Tucson, Arizona 85702

Financials and nonprofit status.

Make a secure online donation.