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Member search

What's new:

  • Search and sort by modded status
  • Wildcard searches (if not too big a drain on system resources)

Member profile

All the information on a member shows up here, including:

  • Town memberships
  • All posts (open, pending or closed) for all groups, with Manage Post options
  • Rejected posts include rejection reason
  • Moderators can make notes about a member
  • As before, moderators can message member, moderate member, change email prefs, or remove from group


Pending posts

What's new:

  • Moderator notes for the member
  • Reason post is in moderation (i.e., new member moderation, hotword)
  • Approve options include a new option: Edit, send a note & approve
  • Reject options include a new option: Reject, send a note & moderate member

Post search

  • New post status options: Pending, Approved, Rejected, Deleted, and Live (with date range)
  • "Include posts to all groups" is default
  • Wildcard searches (if not too big a drain on system resources)

Mod settings

A new column for email notification for member messages allows mods who want only onsite messages to opt out of receiving emails from members. (The default should be yes.)

Town settings


  • There is a new category of moderation for new members. New members are automatically unmodded after X days, with X being specified by moderator.
  • A reset button for settings and notices (reverts back to default set)

Town activity

  • Mod activity now includes fields for type of post and post title
  • Uses local time rather than UTC

Town notices

Files and admins are now combined into one category called Notices. Functionality same as Files now, with these changes:

  • WYSIWYG editor
  • Automatic addition of Attribution Statement to Notices/Emails
  • No more farewell files


  • Ability to test a hotword.
  • Limit on number of hotwords
  • Bulk add/delete hotwords
  • Hotwords work for more post fields