Qu'est-ce que la modération ? =
Si vous venez de rejoindre un groupe Freecycle, ou (dans certains groupes) si vous n'avez pas posté depuis longtemps, alors votre annonce peut-être "modérée". Elle ne sera pas directement envoyée au groupe, mais seulement après relecture par un modérateur.
Qui s'en occupe ?
Les groupes sont gérés par des modérateurs bénévoles, qui donnent de leur temps pour que le groupe fonctionne bien.
How long does it take?
This depends on the group, and also on what the Moderators are doing. It varies from half an hour up to about a day.
Remember that moderators have lives (some of them, anyway) and so they might not be looking at the group all the time.
Why are posts moderated at all?
Several reasons:
- To stop spam. Often spammers will join groups and then send spam. Moderating posts from new members allows most of this to be stopped.
- To stop inappropriate use of the group. Freecycle is about no-strings-attached gifts of physical items which would otherwise go into landfills. Moderation helps ensure that it stays that way.
- To get the post format right. Particularly on busy groups where people won't read each mail, it's really important to get the post format right. This makes the group more useful to other people, and it also means you'll get a better response to your posts.
Is moderation a punishment?
Absolutely not. You might think that a [moderator] has put you on moderation because they don't like you. But almost always, moderators don't remember individual members because there are hundreds or thousands of individuals. Moderation isn't making a judgement about you. It's purely about what goes in the posts to the group.
Are all posts moderated?
No. The proportion varies from group to group.
When will I come off moderation?
This depends on your local group, but often it's when you've posted at least one well-formatted email.