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Auto­responders : ­ what are they & what do we do about them?

This is an automatic email that responds to certain key words in an offer. They will not usually mention the item by name (as they are just out to be the first to respond to get their hands on everything possible) and they will be sent out within seconds of the original message hitting the group (that's the "auto" part, they are that quick they are the first to respond). This, of course, is one reason why giving an item to the first person to reply is often a bad idea. Unfair on other members who may not be right at their computer at the time the offer comes in.

Encourage your members to give to someone other than the first to respond unless they really want to, and preferably only if that first poster mentions the item by name. It is best to choose a recipient on some other criteria. If that means "I'll only give to the member with a 'z' in their email address", that's perfectly fine! It's their stuff, they can choose any way they please!