
From FreecycleFAQ
Revision as of 18:08, 2 October 2008 by Edward Hibbert (talk) (Setting up a Group)

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Becoming a Moderator

The first stage in volunteering is usually to become a moderator on your local group. To do this, you can mail your group owner (from the home page), or respond to an appeal for new moderators on your local group.

The requirements to be a moderator vary from group to group. But generally:

  • You'll need you to be computer literate, perhaps to have moderated an online forum previously.
  • You'll need to be able to spend at least a couple of hours per week moderating the group. Some groups have a rota and schedules.
  • Familiarity with the Firefox browser is also a plus.

We don't have anything tangible to give to a co-moderator - it's all free, right? - but it's rewarding nevertheless. You'll be keeping the Freecycle Network ticking over and ensuring usable items stay out of landfill sites to have a new lease of life.

Setting up a Group

See Setting up a group.

Other Opportunities

Other regional and national volunteering opportunities are open to group moderators, but also to individual members if they would like to offer time or particular expertise. If you have other skills, knowledge, or experience and time to offer the organisation please email us.