Manuel du modérateur : Fichier "Limitation de responsabilité"

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FICHIERS - Limitation de responsabilité

Ce fichier est OBLIGATOIRE. Il incite les membres à prendre leurs précautions et rappelle que Freecycle n'assume aucune responsabilité pour les risques liés aux échanges et aux dons.

Il doit être envoyé aux membres lors de leur inscription.

FREECYCLE(TM) NETWORK MEMBERS USE THE LIST AT THEIR OWN RISK. Please take reasonable measures to protect your safety and privacy when posting to the list or participating in an exchange. By joining the list, you :agree to hold neither the list owners, moderators nor anyone affiliated with responsible or liable for any circumstance resulting from a Freecycle-related exchange or communication.

SAFETY. Be aware! It is up to each individual member of Freecycle when arranging for pickup of the item being given away to be appropriately aware of the potential risk of having "a stranger" come to your home to :pick something up.

Freecycle as an organization assumes no responsibility for this risk. If you, for example, are a single woman living alone, you may want to say that you'll leave the item on the front porch while you are not home :or arrange for a drop-off downtown, etc.

  (C) 2003, The Freecycle Network(TM). All rights reserved. Freecycle and the Freecycle logo are trademarks of The Freecycle Network in the United States and/or other countries.